Santiam Alpine Club
 Schedule   Trip Reports   Instruction   Banquet   Donate 

Mountain climbing school

Nathan, Matt, Kimberly, David, and Robbie

Nathan, Matt, Kimberly, David, and Robbie

David rappelling. Nathan at the top.

David rappelling. Nathan at the top.

Gearing up in the morning.

Gearing up in the morning.

Belaying the second pitch of the chimney.

Belaying the second pitch of the chimney.

A view from on top of the butte.

A view from on top of the butte.

Students Mitch, Ben, Ryan and Samuel with instructor Bart

Students Mitch, Ben, Ryan and Samuel with instructor Bart

Victor explains a climb

Victor explains a climb

Mitch prepares to prusik

Mitch prepares to prusik

"Belay on?"

"Belay on?"

Ben on rappel

Ben on rappel

Lunch break

Lunch break

Team Moral(e) Support

Team Moral(e) Support

Ryan sending a tough pitch

Ryan sending a tough pitch

And Samuel sends it as well

And Samuel sends it as well

Ryan contemplates the big rappel

Ryan contemplates the big rappel

Safety check

Safety check

Lorraine belaying with Matt assisting

Lorraine belaying with Matt assisting

Bill climbing with Matt supervising

Bill climbing with Matt supervising

Team Moral Support gets silly

Team Moral Support gets silly

Chad rappelling with Lorraine belaying

Chad rappelling with Lorraine belaying

Bill ready for the big rappel

Bill ready for the big rappel

Shaunessy going for the big rappel

Shaunessy going for the big rappel

Team Moral Support (aka Team Turtle) takes a break

Team Moral Support (aka Team Turtle) takes a break

Billy, Team Moral Support (aka Team Turtle)'s fearless mascot

Billy, Team Moral Support (aka Team Turtle)'s fearless mascot

Shaunessy practicing self arrest

Shaunessy practicing self arrest

Group Shot

Group Shot

Santiam Alpine Club


E-mail group

GPS routes


Membership application

Club Dues Payment

Mountain climbing sites

Rope locker

Site map

Trip reports

Club officers


Mountain climbing school

Rock climbing at Smith Rock

Glacier travel and crevasse rescue

Ice climbing

Mountain Climbing School Manual

Mountain climbing terms
