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Mount McLoughlin Climb

June 7, 2014

Coordinator: Sue McGlynn

Summit Altitude: 9495 feet
Elevation Gain: 3840 feet
Round-trip Distance: 9.36 miles

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Mount McLoughlin (9,495') is a Cascade volcano located near Oregon's southern border and is the 6th highest peak in Oregon. It is a non-technical climb, but nonetheless and arduous feat requiring good physical stamina.

There were eight people from S.A.C. on the climb. Four of us camped at nearby Fourmile Lake, the others camped at or near the trailhead. (note: there is a sign that states "No Camping" at trailhead). We started hiking at 8:00 am along with a herd of mosquitos (don't forget the bug repellant!). We experienced some snow, but there was no need for crampons or snowshoes. Gaiters are good to have along (and wear). The last push to the summit was a snow covered ridge that made it feel like a real mountain rather than a big rock pile. We reached the summit at 1:00 pm, five hours of hiking at a somewhat relaxed pace. From the summit looking south you have Mt. Shasta in clear view, to the north, the central Oregon Cascade volcanos.

After a good rest and food break, we descended, making sure we stayed on the same route that we came in on. I am told that numerous people have gotten lost on the descent of Mt. McLoughlin. The best tip I got was to keep Fourmile Lake in your view on your descent. As we reentered the tree line, the mosquitos were waiting for us. If I were to do this climb again, I think I would go in the fall when the bugs are dead.

We reached the parking lot at 5:00 pm, all safe, sound, stinky and tired! All in a day's work!

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