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Wilderness First Aid (WFA)

March 15, 2025

Coordinator: Tobiah Meinzen

If you spend enough time in the wilderness, eventually something happens. Be prepared to help others (or even yourself) by taking a wilderness first aid class.

Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is the assessment of and basic treatment given to an ill or injured person in an area where advanced help and access to definitive care is not easily accessible.

In conjunction with Base Medical, SAC is now offering a Wilderness First Aid course primarily designed for non-medical recreationalists who may need to be the initial first aid provider in remote outdoor areas where advanced help, evacuation, and access to definitive care may be delayed.

Further communications will be sent out in late January 2025. No payment will be collected until Jan/Feb 2025. Some details of the course may change.

In-Person Date: Saturday March 15th, 2024

In-Person Time: 8am to 6pm

In-Person Location: Sherwood, Oregon (specific location to be provided after sign-up)

Wilderness First Aid Course Objectives

Upon completion of a Wilderness First Aid course, an individual is expected to:

● Complete a patient assessment to identify potentially life threatening problems. (Apply)

● Complete the necessary first aid, non-invasive interventions to prevent medical problems and injuries from occurring or progressing. (Apply)

● Identify the need for additional resources and higher level care for patients with life threatening problems. (Analyze)

● Identify the need for and urgency of evacuation for ill or injured patients. (Analyze)

Time Requirement:

8 hours online (self-paced, prior to in-person practical training)

8-9 hours in-person

Certification Duration: Cert expires 2 years after completion

Recertification: The grace period for a WFA certification is 6 months after expiration (2.5 years after original certification). Recertification through a Base Medical-affiliated program is recommended, because not all medical providers recognize each others' certifications. There is not single national certification agency for wilderness medicine.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites CPR and AED training are strongly recommended, but not required.


SAC Members: $100

Non-Members: $200


Andy D, WFR

Nicole B, WFR

Tobiah M, WEMT, EMT-B

Description from Base Medical

Signed Up: 9
Maximum Allowed: 20
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