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Hood South Side

May 13 to May 14, 2024

Coordinator: Andy DeGregorio

Summit Altitude: 11259 feet
Elevation Gain: 5400 feet
Round-trip Distance: 8 miles
Excursion Time: 11 hours (car-to-car)

We met at midnight and marveled at the new wag bags and out house paid for by our climbing permit fees. We started at 12:30am and made good time through the lower slopes. Then due to Andy's poor leadership, paced too quickly above Palmer and Dave decided to turn around at the Kitchen rather than risk more bad choices. Conditions were good, very little ice fall and not crowded. Julio and Andy topped out a little before 6am, just after sunrise, perhaps the first group up that day, and shared summit gummies with other summiteers except for the Timberline guided groups who had taken snowcats. The downclimb was largely uneventful, with only minor ice fall. We arrived back at the parking lot about 9:30, and confirmed Dave had made it home.

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