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Climb School Classroom 2

May 2, 2024

Coordinator: Andy DeGregorio

No Trip Report available!

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John says:
Hey all! I'm looking forward to the classroom and the upcoming snow day! I haven't belayed or rappelled since the rock day at Horse thief in 2022. Is it possible to attend the classroom session primarily as an observer? I'll help in anyway that I can but shouldn't be a lead for belaying or rappelling techniques.

John says:
Hey all! I'm looking forward to the classroom and the upcoming snow day! I haven't belayed or rappelled since the rock day at Horse thief in 2022. Is it possible to attend the classroom session primarily as an observer? I'll help in anyway that I can but shouldn't be a lead for belaying or rappelling techniques.

John says:
Hey all! I'm looking forward to the classroom and the upcoming snow day! I haven't belayed or rappelled since the rock day at Horse thief in 2022. Is it possible to attend the classroom session primarily as an observer? I'll help in anyway that I can but shouldn't be a lead for belaying or rappelling techniques.

John says:
Hey all! I'm looking forward to the classroom and the upcoming snow day! I haven't belayed or rappelled since the rock day at Horse thief in 2022. Is it possible to attend the classroom session primarily as an observer? I'll help in anyway that I can but shouldn't be a lead for belaying or rappelling techniques.

Andy (leader) says:
Yep you’re welcome to sit in and watch and practice after with us

This forum is closed at this time.

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