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Mount Saint Helens

September 23, 2011

Coordinator: Paul Winther

Summit Altitude: 8365 feet

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Arrived at Climber's Bivy (3700ft) at 2:00PM, Thursday 9-22-11. Talked to returning climbers who reported winds, rain, & coulds on the upper part of the mountain.

Around 4:00PM I hiked to timberline (4800') to confirm a thick cloud layer down to 6000'. Returned to camp to await the rest of the group and made a fire for drinks and soup. Tyler arrived at 8:15PM with news that the Armstrongs were not coming & the climb was just the two of us.

6:00 wake up to clear sky & mild temp (60F). 7:00AM start - arrive @ timberline 7:50. Followed footpath slightly west of Monitor Ridge (easier) which has new yellow markers on the pine poles marking the route.

Arrived at final scree slopes (7000') @ 9:55. Wind was stronger here, but helped keep us cool.

Summit @ 10:45AM to wonderful views - spectacularly clear. After photos & snacks left summit @ 11:10AM and were back to the camp @ 1:30. We had to fix a flat tire - more fun! Temps now in 75-80F. Saw 40-50 people total - most were behind us. Checked out at Lone Fir in Cougar @ 3:00PM. Home @ 4:30.

- P.R.W.

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Fritz asks:
Who's got their permit? Please 'reply' here to confirm.

Pilar answers:
Derek and I bought our permits. Okay well he bought them. Haha.

Katherine answers:
Joe and I have permits!

Fritz says:
Permits are now sold out! I bought a few extra, so contact me if you are interested.

Joe says:
Confirming that I plan to attend this climb. I can't sign up though, but I'll be there.

Fritz answers:
Oh sorry, I forgot I closed the signups because of the limited permits. I signed you up, you're all set.

Joe says:
cool thx soon ya soon

Fritz says:
Well, slight complication... I broke my foot. There's no way I can go. I'm looking around for a substitute leader. But even without, I'm sure that you all can do it.

Fritz says:
Open for verify! Please verify/update your contact details (see above) and press the "All Ok!" button so I know you're still with us.

Tyler says:
That sucks!!! Sorry about that! I was looking forward to meeting you and had some questions about maybe attending some upcoming classes. Anyhow can I still go? I was planning on camping near the trailhead and meeting up at a scheduled time. I will still do this but i need to get a permit from you. Let me know if it too much of a pain to work things out. I will be out of town till Monday. Thank Fritz good luck with your foot!

Fritz answers:
Yes, you can still go, absolutely. I'll make sure you get your permit; details to follow. I'll help as much as I can from the ground. As far as classes questions, email me. My email address is above.

Pilar says:
Hey Fritz, Sorry to hear about your foot. There is a likely chance that Derek and I will not be able to go. I will keep you posted if it's a defiant.

Joe says:
Sorry guys. I have to withdrawl from the climb. Work pulled my time-off request today. So I cannot make it this Friday. Have fun. See you all next.

Katherine says:
Hey Fritz, that's a huge bummer about your foot! Did you at least get a cool story out of it? Joe Fitzgerald and I are still planning on making the climb, who else is definite? Any interest in carpooling (from Portland)?

Fritz says:
Added some details up above in the "Team-Only Information" section.

Fritz says:
Looks like you've got a leader; his name is Paul, he knows the mountain well and is a real solid climber. You're in good hands. However, he's not very internetty, so I'm going to pass on your numbers to him. I'll put his number up in the team-only information.

Katherine says:
Fritz, this climb is cursed! Joe and I won't be making it, because not only is Joe sick, but my car won't start! We can't drive to the trailhead :(

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