Other Mountaineering Clubs:
SAC members benefit from alignment with other outdoor clubs through membership in the Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs. Several clubs provide SAC members access to their mountain lodges on equal status with their own members.
SAC members have been specifically invited to use the facilities at the Washington Alpine Club Guye Cabin, located in the Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest at 3,200' on Snoqualmie Pass. For more information, contact WAC president Mike Mahanay at mike@grandcanyontreks.org or at 206-933-6801.
The Crag Rats of Hood River, the oldest mountain search and rescue organization in the United States, mark a weekend each year for SAC members to join them at their historic Cloud Cap Inn at the 6,000' level on the north side of Mount Hood. SAC members have made the annual trek for many years. Unlimited skiing and snowshoeing, great food and companionship, and a cozy fire make this an unforgettable weekend. Check the Activities Schedule in winter for more information.